Project: UK Hydrographic Office
Location: Taunton
Details: 5 No. Interior Trees and 190 No. Cabinet Top Planters

The newly built UK Hydrographic Office in Taunton is a stunning example of an architectural masterpiece combined with a beautiful interior fit-out. Central to the building is a long atrium, into which we installed 5 show-stopping trees.

The Ficus Fibrosa trees are each about 4.5m high, and they are installed in bespoke planters integrated with seating units. The PlantCare team completed a flawless install. The height and weight of the trees meant they could be lifted in by hand; this was completed in a matter of hours.


The trees have many benefits:

They absorb sound waves, reducing noise levels in the atrium with its high ceiling and tiled floor.

Carbon dioxide is absorbed and oxygen released by the trees. This improves the air quality in the building, and has a positive impact on staff health.

The trees also look great - they create an eye-catching statement in this impressive wood-panelled interior.

One of our highly skilled maintenance technicians visits every couple of weeks to maintain these trees and 190 Cabinet Top planters, ensuring they are all kept in top condition.
